

Water Biomes

Week 5-6

Details and Assignments

The last two weeks of your reading you will learn about Water Biomes. Water biomes take up most of the Earth. Again, focus on the different organisms that exist in both Freshwater and Ocean Biomes. Also be aware of and become familiar with the limiting factors (both biotic and abiotic) of each type of biome.

Assignment Water Biomes

Read Chapter 18-3

pg 518-521 (share a comment and answer questions 1-4 on pg. 521 in forum titled Chap 18-3)

Water Biomes Videos and Quiz

You will need to download and watch the following on Water Biomes. Take the quiz.

You will need to register if you have not already. It is free and at the top of each page. Get parents permission first, please! Register under OLPH.

Coral Reef Connections

Intertidal Zone

The following is an online quiz over the reading from above and the two videos. Please study before taking the quiz. This link will be blocked until day of quiz.


Biomes Brochure

Please read my blog for what your biome is. I would like to visit your biome! First, I need to be enticed to come to your biome. Your job is to be the advertiser of the biome given to you and your job is to create a Microsoft Word brochure to advertise it. Your are expected to have all of the following details in your biome brochure

·        Pictures of the animals that are found specifically in your biome.

·        Pictures of what your biome looks like.

·        Details of where your biome is found.

·        Details of the weather/climate that is found in your biome.

·        Pictures of specific plants found in your biome.

·        Information on a real non-profit organization created to protect your biome. Include the name and what their mission statement is.

·        Written details that describe the biome besides what you have shown pictures of or what the above requirements mention.  


Be creative in organizing your brochure. Remember that as an advertiser you are trying to "sell" your biome to your audience, so make it very appealing by what we read and see in the brochure. This project will be due on _____________.


The following is an example of a Biome Brochure

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